Human Biology & Chemistry Workshops, Mullingar- Sunday 14th February **POSTPONED**
This event is postponed in line with public health guidelines. Postponed date TBC**
Come join us for our special human biology & chemistry workshops at Bloomfield House Hotel, Belvedere, Mullingar on Sunday 14th February from 9am-2pm. €55 per child. Sibling discount at booking.
Suited for children aged 5-12 years old. Children are split into groups: ATOMS (5-8 years old) & MOLECULES (9-12 years old).
Experiments covered include: bath bomb fizzers, the pumping heart & circulation, awesome anatomy, digestive system, pH indicators, non Newtonian fluid ooblek & long chain polymer slime, nucleation explosions with coke & mentos, hand boilers, glow sticks & lots more!
Lots of hands on, interactive, safely delivered STEM experiments for your Junior Einstein.Children are supplied with their own lab coats, goggles & gloves, as well as all the scientific equipment & materials needed to participate in our science camp!
We are strictly adhering to all public health & government guidelines when running our science events. We have designated a COVID-19 & Infection Control Specialist to each of our science camps. Social distancing, PPE & a drop off/collection procedure in place. Safety protocols in place….. we are scientists after all!
*Spaces are extremely restricted. Please book early to secure your spot.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at junioreinsteinswestmeath@gmail.com or call us in the lab on 085 7555635.