The K Club Easter Science, 7th April, 11am-1pm
During this really fun, exciting and educational Easter Event, children will do lots of Eggs-periments!
Throughout Easter Holidays we will delight children in the following exciting range of content. Our aim is to inspire and ensure that children are excited and interested in the experiments. No matter which day or days your child or children attend, they will have a unique , exciting and inspiring time.
Range of Activities;
They will engage their brains in teamwork, by doing our eggs-citing Egg Drop Engineering Challenge!!!
They learn how Rainbows are formed with their very own take-home diffraction Rainbow glasses!
They will learn how the eye tricks the brain and make their own take-home Easter Thaumatropes.
They will make take home Yellow Easter Slime and Learn about Polymerisations!
& do fun Easter Themed Experiments!
All Junior Einsteins wear Science Lab Coats and Science Goggles. Events are suitable for 5-12 year old children.
You can find our more about us and see what we do on Instagram @JuniorEinsteinsKildare