/St. Anne’s NS Ardclough, After School Science Club, 11th November- 16th December, 3pm-4pm

St. Anne’s NS Ardclough, After School Science Club, 11th November- 16th December, 3pm-4pm

During our exciting and fun after-school club children will explore a range of exciting science topics. Science Lab Coats and Goggles are provided.

We have a huge emphasis on FUN with lots of science explosions throughout!

11th November – Blubber gloves and arctic Animal adaptations

To introduce the concept of body insulation and other adaptations of animals who live in arctic temperatures. Through activity-based learning children will develop an awareness of how animals are able to survive temperatures well below zero degrees.

18th November- Sparks will fly ; Electricity SCIENCE:

This series of fun experiments is designed to help our Junior Einsteins to observe and understand, through demonstration-based learning, how electrical charge flows through materials. We also aim to show them that some materials can conduct electricity and others cannot. Visually this is a very popular science concept and one that the children won’t forget

Children learn that a Van Der Graaf generator is a machine which uses a moving belt to accumulate very high charges on a hollow metal globe. Children discover that The Van Der Graaf Generator was developed in 1929 by American physicist Robert J Van Der Graaff. Children love to see a Barbie Doll have a ‘hair raising experience’

25th November – Pigments of Imagination; Colour Science:

Children will learn key words ‘pigment’ and ‘chromatography’ and their meaning. They will become aware that coloured pens are created by combining a number of primary colours, through implementation of simple chromatography they will be able to separate mixtures, particularly colours. Through extraction of leaf colour and use of chromatography, children will investigate how leaves have pigments just like ink or paint.

2nd December – Shell fossil Paleontology : Children learn about how ancient fossils were formed in nature and make their own take home fossil replicas. 

9th December – Take home density lava lamp making:

To help children gain an understanding of the concept of density and why some liquids float on top of each other. Children have fun with several experiments and take home their own lava lamps.

16th December – Geology science and take home Christmas crystal making!

To help children gain an understanding of the development of crystals from a geological point of view and get them engaged in growing their own crystals.



Nov 11 2022 - Dec 16 2022


03:00 PM - 04:00 PM




Claire Brett


Claire Brett
085 154 6188

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