Online Science Club Webinars to celebrate National Science Week.

Junior Einsteins online STEM Monthly subscription #STEM
For more details and pricing please Email ;
Our aim is to be low maintenance to families, schools & libraries and add pleasure to their day, not stress !
We are currently working on bringing Science Clubs to children globally with our collaboration with The United Nations.Our founder Tracey Jane Cassidy was honoured to be invited to speak at The United Nations New York for ‘International Women and Girls in Science Day’ February 2020. We are also pleased to be creating a long lasting collaboration with The United Nations & RASIT bringing online Webinars to children globally.
Please see here below our main sessions . They are all popular !
Slime making (Long-chain polymerisation , Newtonian & Non-Newtonian fluids)
Bernoulli’s Flying Machines (the principles of flight)
Light the Lightsabre ( electricity & plasma ball)
Forensic Crime Scene ( the science of solving crime;fingerprints, blacklight, who dunnit??)
Van Der Graff generator & plasma ball (electricity)
Purple Power PH ( Acids & Bases )
Dr. Bones ( Human & Animal Skeletons)
Bernoulli’s Flying Machines ( How planes Fly)
Blubber Gloves ( Arctic Animal Adaptations)
Cartoon Capers ( Illusions, How cartoons are made & how the eye tricks the brain)
Elephant Toothpaste (Hydrogen peroxide , Potassium Iodide chemical reaction : Exothermic reactions)
Make your own fossils (paleontologists !)
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Light Spectrum)
Make your own lava lamp (density)
How movies are made (illusion & how the eye can trick the brain)
Pumping Heart ( Human Circulation )
From Plate to Poop- the human digestive system