Willow Park Blackrock Dublin TERM 3 Thursday 15th April – Thursday 27th May 2021
Willow Park Blackrock Dublin TERM 3 Thursday 15th April – Thursday 27th May 2021 ( 7 weeks weeks € 88 )
After school science club
Fun Exciting hands-on STEM!
Our values at Junior Einsteins Science Club are strong in STEM learning, but also in developing in our ‘Junior Einsteins ‘ a love of both experimenting and learning. We do this through messy creative fun, nourishing children’s natural curiosity & imagination, children discover how to learn from mistakes, embrace failure, engage in teamwork and practise perseverance. Junior Einsteins Science Club ultimately teaches primary school children, our ‘Junior Einsteins ‘ ‘how to think not what to think’ best preparing them for our ever changing world.
Please see some examples of our many hands-on interactive science club themed sessions below!
- Slime making (Long-chain polymerisation , Newtonian & Non-Newtonian fluids)
- Bernoullis Flying Machines (the principals of flight)
- Light the Lightsabre ( electricity & plasma ball)
- Forensic Crime Scene ( the science of solving crime;fingerprints, blacklight, who dunnit??)
- Van Der Graff generator & plasma ball (electricity)
- Purple Power PH ( exothermic reactions)
- Bones ( Human & Animal Skeletons)
- Bernoulli’s Flying Machines ( How planes Fly)
- Blubber Gloves ( Arctic Animal Adaptions)
- Cartoon Capers ( Illusions, How cartoons are made & how the eye tricks the brain)
- Elephant Toothpaste (Hydrogen peroxide , Potassium Iodide chemical reaction : Exothermic reactions)
- Make your own fossils (paleontologists !)
- Somewhere over the Rainbow (Light Spectrum)
- Make your own lava lamp (density)
- How movies are made (illusion & how the eye can trick the brain)
- Pumping Heart ( Human Circulation )
- From Plate to Poop- the human digestive system
- & many more…….
Hourly Schedule
- 3pm - 4pm