/Blessington, Wicklow – Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp for kids at The Avon, Blessington ( Saturday 15th June 9:30am-1:30pm)
Bray Wicklow Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp for kids at Festina Lente ( Saturday 11th May 9:30am-1:30pm)

Blessington, Wicklow – Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp for kids at The Avon, Blessington ( Saturday 15th June 9:30am-1:30pm)

Blessington, Wicklow -Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp for kids at The Avon ( Saturday 15th June 9:30am-1:30pm)

Award winning science experiments for our Junior Einsteins in Blessington, Wicklow- Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp! Blessington Wicklow Junior Medics & Anatomy Science Camp for kids at The Avon ( Saturday 115th June 9:30am-1:30pm)


Venue: The Avon, The Burgage, Blessington, Co. Wicklow

Date & Time: Saturday 15th June  9:30am-1:30pm

Price: €60 per child.


Pumping heart & blood composition, gross digestion: from plate to poop, Dr Einspine: the human skeleton, my anatomy in 3D, DNA banana split: extract DNA from bananas, take a deep breath (human respiration).

Junior Einsteins will use stethoscopes, oximeters, sphygmomanometers & 3D pumping heart models to understand the human circulatory system.

Suited for primary school aged children from 5 – 12 years old

Children are grouped by age: 5 – 8 year olds (ATOMS) 9-12 year olds (MOLECULES)

Children are supplied with lab coats, goggles & all scientific equipment. They make & take home their own banana DNA from science camp!

Enquiries to James at wicklowjunioreinsteins@gmail.com

Best Camps for kids Wicklow 

Passionate about STEM Education;

Everything we do here at Junior Einsteins Science Club Science Camps for children is because we are passionate about bringing STEM to young children in a fun filled high energy way.  Our Summer Camps  are very child-centric and all of our children are our ‘Junior Einsteins’ !

Inspiring Imaginations;

We nurture children’s natural curiosity & creativity. We inspire our ‘Junior Einsteins’ to use their imaginations, make a mess, explore and discover.

Fantastic Experiments;

We do this through fantastic interactive experiments , covering STEM & STEAM areas.


Jun 15 2024


09:30 AM - 01:30 PM






Junior Einsteins Wicklow

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